
Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.

24 Comments Add yours

  1. David Ridge says:

    I am so looking forward to this!

    1. Tabby Ivy says:

      Thanks, David. It has been such a joy working with Damon. We look forward to sharing our collaborative journey with you! Tabby

    2. Damon Falke says:

      Thanks, David. I always enjoy your work, sir!

  2. Brandon Hill says:

    I became aware of Damon’s work a few years back in the Zephyr, and I’ve become a big fan! I’m very excited to see what comes from this project and I’ll be following along the way. I’m sure some very cool and inspiring work will come from this partnership! My best to you both!

    1. Tabby Ivy says:

      hello Brandon, and thank you so much for your comment and support. It has been such a joy to know Damon, experience his genius and engage in this collaboration with him. Good things to come for sure!

  3. Thomas Rogo says:

    Writers and painters are each using their unique medium to reach the human soul. One uses words and stories while the other uses oil and interpretations of nature. This collaboration has exciting possibilities. Thanks for letting me follow!

    1. Tabby Ivy says:

      thanks so much Thomas for your comments and interest in our collaboration. This has been such a wonderful experience for me; expanding my voice, reaching deeper within, and getting to know and work with the amazingly talented Damon Falke. I hope you have also visited his website to learn of his many talents.

  4. Rachel Warner says:

    Loving this collaboration so much, Tabby and Damon!

    Bravo! Looking forward to more!

  5. Rachel Warner says:

    ..the other side of representation.

    Yes. ❤️

    1. Tabby Ivy says:

      Hi Rusti…what a year this has been! Quite overwhelming at times, actually. But all of it inspiring, challenging and rewarding beyond my dreams. Working with Damon is making me a better artist, inspiring work that is coming from a much deeper place within me. Thanks for joining us on this journey!

  6. Lucy Smith says:

    I have been looking forward to this since my visit with you last year, Tabby! Can’t wait!

    1. Tabby Ivy says:

      Hi Lucy, just saw your comment, thank you!

  7. Cheryl McGill says:

    I have known you for many years and have watched with wonder your growth as an artist. You are a warm, beautiful human being Tabby. I can’t wait to meet Damon.

    1. Damon Falke says:

      Cheryl, I agree with you! Tabby is a warm, beautiful human being. And yes indeed, I hope we will meet, too.
      Warmly, Damon

    2. Tabby Ivy says:

      Thank you dear friend. I look forward to you meeting Damon, too.

  8. Gayle Havens says:

    I’m very much appreciating this fitting collaboration – the stillness of your paintings and the storied places of Damon’s essays. Joining you and Damon on your journey . . .

    1. Damon Falke says:

      Gayle, this is lovely! Thank you so much for these kind words. I do hope you can find a way to see our exhibition. And I am hopeful that the conversation will continue.

  9. This is wonderful! As always, leading edge…co-creation is the future. Can’t wait to see more, much love, Rebecca

    1. Tabby Ivy says:

      Rebecca. thanks for your kind comments about our collaboration. I so look forward to having you meet Damon when he comes to Montana. He is your kind of guy. I will just want to be a fly on the wall listening to you two talk.!

  10. I’m enjoying your work, Damon, as always, and I am spellbound by Ms Ivy’s art! I look forward to your collaboration.
    Btw, Damon. I am reading a book that has had you on my mind. It’s a novel full of wonderful,, authentic dialog that just tickles the fire out of me. I wanted to recommend it to you.
    The Searcher by Tana French

    1. Damon Falke says:

      Thank you for this, Sharon. Tabby’s art is spell-bounding, indeed. It is easy to vanish into her pieces. I sincerely hope you and Gene can make the exhibition. Also, I will see about the book you’ve recommended. Which will mean another book to my every growing reading list! That said, I do tend to read sooner those books recommended by friends. As ever, I appreciate you, Sharon.

  11. Ellen Crosby says:

    How wonderful to be back the Hockaday and to see you again! I’m a very much looking forward to this exhibit; and lucky me, I get to see and enjoy it each day I go to work.

    1. Tabby Ivy says:

      Thank you so much for your kind comments, Ellen. Damon and I so look forward to having the work we have done together come to the Museum next year. It has been a wonderful experience working with such a talented and generous writer.

  12. David Ridge says:

    Just read for the fourth time “The Place Where We Used to Pick Berries”. The “Country Roads” companion painting is wonderful and a perfect fit, and as per usual, Damon’s prose is overwhelming in a good, introspective way. This is such a gift!

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